Source code for chaospy.descriptives.correlation.auto_correlation

"""Auto correlation function."""
import numpy

from .pearson import Corr

[docs]def Acf(poly, dist, n_steps=None, **kws): """ Auto-correlation function. Args: poly (numpoly.ndpoly): Polynomial of interest. Must have ``len(poly) > n_steps``. dist (Distribution): Defines the space the correlation is taken on. n_steps (int): The number of time steps apart included. If omitted set to ``len(poly)/2+1``. Returns: (numpy.ndarray) : Auto-correlation of ``poly`` with shape ``(n_steps,)``. Note that by definition ``Q[0]=1``. Examples: >>> poly = chaospy.monomial(1, 10) >>> dist = chaospy.Uniform() >>> chaospy.Acf(poly, dist).round(4) array([1. , 0.9915, 0.9722, 0.9457, 0.9127]) """ n_steps = int(len(poly) / 2 + 1) if n_steps is None else n_steps correlation = Corr(poly, dist, **kws) return numpy.array( [numpy.mean(correlation.diagonal(idx), axis=0) for idx in range(n_steps)] )