Source code for chaospy.distributions.baseclass.distribution

"""Abstract baseclass for all distributions."""
import logging
import numpy

import chaospy

from .utils import check_dependencies

[docs]class Distribution(object): """Baseclass for all probability distributions.""" __array_priority__ = 9000 """Numpy override variable.""" interpret_as_integer = False """ Flag indicating that return value from the methods sample, and inv should be interpreted as integers instead of floating point. """ @property def stochastic_dependent(self): """True if distribution contains stochastically dependent components.""" return any(len(deps) > 1 for deps in self._dependencies)
[docs] def __init__( self, parameters, dependencies, rotation=None, exclusion=None, repr_args=None, ): """ Distribution initializer. In addition to assigning some object variables, also checks for some consistency issues. Args: parameters (Optional[Distribution[str, Union[ndarray, Distribution]]]): Collection of model parameters. dependencies (Optional[Sequence[Set[int]]]): Dependency identifiers. One collection for each dimension. rotation (Optional[Sequence[int]]): The order of which to resolve dependencies. exclusion (Optional[Sequence[int]]): Distributions that has been "taken out of play" and therefore can not be reused other places in the dependency hierarchy. repr_args (Optional[Sequence[str]]): Positional arguments to place in the object string representation. The repr output will then be: `<class name>(<arg1>, <arg2>, ...)`. Raises: StochasticallyDependentError: For dependency structures that can not later be rectified. This include under-defined distributions, and inclusion of distributions that should be exclusion. """ assert isinstance(parameters, dict) self._parameters = parameters self._dependencies = list(dependencies) if rotation is None: rotation = sorted(enumerate(self._dependencies), key=lambda x: len(x[1])) rotation = [key for key, _ in rotation] rotation = list(rotation) assert len(set(rotation)) == len(dependencies) assert min(rotation) == 0 assert max(rotation) == len(dependencies) - 1 self._rotation = rotation if exclusion is None: exclusion = set() self._exclusion = set(exclusion) if repr_args is None: repr_args = ( "{}={}".format(key, self._parameters[key]) for key in sorted(self._parameters) ) self._repr_args = list(repr_args) self._mom_cache = {(0,) * len(dependencies): 1.0} self._ttr_cache = {} self._indices = {} self._all_dependencies = {dep for deps in self._dependencies for dep in deps} if len(self._all_dependencies) < len(dependencies): raise chaospy.StochasticallyDependentError( "%s is an under-defined probability distribution." % self ) for key, param in list(parameters.items()): if isinstance(param, Distribution): if self._all_dependencies.intersection(param._exclusion): raise chaospy.StochasticallyDependentError( ( "%s contains dependencies that can not also exist " "other places in the dependency hierarchy" ) % param ) self._exclusion.update(param._exclusion) else: self._parameters[key] = numpy.asarray(param)
def get_parameters(self, idx, cache, assert_numerical=True): """Get distribution parameters.""" del assert_numerical out = self._parameters.copy() assert isinstance(cache, dict) if idx is not None: assert not isinstance(idx, dict), idx assert idx == int(idx), idx assert "idx" not in out assert "cache" not in out out["cache"] = cache out["idx"] = idx return out @property def lower(self): """Lower bound for the distribution.""" cache = {} out = numpy.zeros(len(self)) for idx in self._rotation: out[idx] = self._get_lower(idx, cache=cache) return out def _get_lower(self, idx, cache): """In-processes function for getting lower bounds.""" if (idx, self) in cache: return cache[idx, self][0] if hasattr(self, "get_lower_parameters"): parameters = self.get_lower_parameters(idx, cache) else: parameters = self.get_parameters(idx, cache, assert_numerical=False) out = self._lower(**parameters) assert not isinstance(out, Distribution), (self, out) out = numpy.atleast_1d(out) assert out.ndim == 1, (self, out, cache) cache[idx, self] = (out, None) return out def _lower(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Backend lower bound.""" raise chaospy.UnsupportedFeature("lower not supported") @property def upper(self): """Upper bound for the distribution.""" cache = {} out = numpy.zeros(len(self)) for idx in self._rotation: out[idx] = self._get_upper(idx, cache=cache) return out def _get_upper(self, idx, cache): """In-processes function for getting upper bounds.""" if (idx, self) in cache: return cache[idx, self][0] if hasattr(self, "get_upper_parameters"): parameters = self.get_upper_parameters(idx, cache) else: parameters = self.get_parameters(idx, cache, assert_numerical=False) out = self._upper(**parameters) assert not isinstance(out, Distribution), (self, out) out = numpy.atleast_1d(out) assert out.ndim == 1, (self, out, cache) cache[idx, self] = (out, None) size = max([elem[0].size for elem in cache.values()]) assert all([elem[0].size in (1, size) for elem in cache.values()]) return out def _upper(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Backend upper bound.""" raise chaospy.UnsupportedFeature("lower not supported")
[docs] def fwd(self, x_data): """ Forward Rosenblatt transformation. Args: x_data (numpy.ndarray): Location for the distribution function. ``x_data.shape`` must be compatible with distribution shape. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Evaluated distribution function values, where ``out.shape==x_data.shape``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) check_dependencies(self) x_data = numpy.asfarray(x_data) shape = x_data.shape x_data = x_data.reshape(len(self), -1) cache = {} q_data = numpy.zeros(x_data.shape) for idx in self._rotation: q_data[idx] = self._get_fwd(x_data[idx], idx, cache) indices = (q_data > 1) | (q_data < 0) if numpy.any(indices): # pragma: no cover logger.debug( "%s.fwd: %d/%d outputs out of bounds", self, numpy.sum(indices), len(indices), ) q_data = numpy.clip(q_data, a_min=0, a_max=1) q_data = q_data.reshape(shape) return q_data
def _get_fwd(self, x_data, idx, cache): """In-process function for getting cdf-values.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) assert (idx, self) not in cache, "repeated evaluation" lower = numpy.broadcast_to( self._get_lower(idx, cache=cache.copy()), x_data.shape ) upper = numpy.broadcast_to( self._get_upper(idx, cache=cache.copy()), x_data.shape ) parameters = self.get_parameters(idx, cache, assert_numerical=True) ret_val = self._cdf(x_data, **parameters) assert not isinstance(ret_val, Distribution), (self, ret_val) out = numpy.zeros(x_data.shape) out[:] = ret_val indices = x_data < lower if numpy.any(indices): logger.debug( "%s.fwd: %d/%d inputs below bounds", self, numpy.sum(indices), len(indices), ) out = numpy.where(indices, 0, out) indices = x_data > upper if numpy.any(indices): logger.debug( "%s.fwd: %d/%d inputs above bounds", self, numpy.sum(indices), len(indices), ) out = numpy.where(indices, 1, out) assert numpy.all((out >= 0) | (out <= 1)) cache[idx, self] = (x_data, out) assert out.ndim == 1, (self, out, cache) return out
[docs] def cdf(self, x_data): """ Cumulative distribution function. Note that chaospy only supports cumulative distribution functions for stochastically independent distributions. Args: x_data (numpy.ndarray): Location for the distribution function. Assumes that ``len(x_data) == len(distribution)``. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Evaluated distribution function values, where output has shape ``x_data.shape`` in one dimension and ``x_data.shape[1:]`` in higher dimensions. """ check_dependencies(self) if self.stochastic_dependent: raise chaospy.StochasticallyDependentError( "Cumulative distribution does not support dependencies." ) x_data = numpy.asarray(x_data) if self.interpret_as_integer: x_data = x_data + 0.5 q_data = self.fwd(x_data) if len(self) > 1: q_data =, 0) return q_data
[docs] def inv(self, q_data, max_iterations=100, tollerance=1e-5): """ Inverse Rosenblatt transformation. If possible the transformation is done analytically. If not possible, transformation is approximated using an algorithm that alternates between Newton-Raphson and binary search. Args: q_data (numpy.ndarray): Probabilities to be inverse. If any values are outside ``[0, 1]``, error will be raised. ``q_data.shape`` must be compatible with distribution shape. max_iterations (int): If approximation is used, this sets the maximum number of allowed iterations in the Newton-Raphson algorithm. tollerance (float): If approximation is used, this set the error tolerance level required to define a sample as converged. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Inverted probability values where ``out.shape == q_data.shape``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) check_dependencies(self) q_data = numpy.asfarray(q_data) assert numpy.all((q_data >= 0) & (q_data <= 1)), "sanitize your inputs!" shape = q_data.shape q_data = q_data.reshape(len(self), -1) cache = {} x_data = numpy.zeros(q_data.shape) for idx in self._rotation: x_data[idx] = self._get_inv(q_data[idx], idx, cache) x_data = x_data.reshape(shape) return x_data
def _get_inv(self, q_data, idx, cache): """In-process function for getting ppf-values.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) assert numpy.all(q_data <= 1) and numpy.all(q_data >= 0) assert q_data.ndim == 1 if (idx, self) in cache: return cache[idx, self][0] lower = numpy.broadcast_to( self._get_lower(idx, cache=cache.copy()), q_data.shape ) upper = numpy.broadcast_to( self._get_upper(idx, cache=cache.copy()), q_data.shape ) try: parameters = self.get_parameters(idx, cache, assert_numerical=True) ret_val = self._ppf(q_data, **parameters) except chaospy.UnsupportedFeature: ret_val = chaospy.approximate_inverse(self, idx, q_data, cache=cache) assert not isinstance(ret_val, Distribution), (self, ret_val) out = numpy.zeros(q_data.shape) out[:] = ret_val indices = out < lower if numpy.any(indices): logger.debug( "%s.inv: %d/%d outputs below bounds", self, numpy.sum(indices), len(indices), ) out = numpy.where(indices, lower, out) indices = out > upper if numpy.any(indices): logger.debug( "%s.inv: %d/%d outputs above bounds", self, numpy.sum(indices), len(indices), ) out = numpy.where(indices, upper, out) assert out.ndim == 1 cache[idx, self] = (out, q_data) assert out.ndim == 1, (self, out, cache) return out def _ppf(self, xloc, **kwargs): raise chaospy.UnsupportedFeature("%s: does not support analytical ppf." % self)
[docs] def ppf(self, q_data, max_iterations=100, tollerance=1e-5): """ Point percentile function. Also known as the inverse cumulative distribution function. Note that chaospy only supports point percentiles for univariate distributions. Args: q_data (numpy.ndarray): Probabilities to be inverse. If any values are outside ``[0, 1]``, error will be raised. max_iterations (int): If approximation is used, this sets the maximum number of allowed iterations in the Newton-Raphson algorithm. tollerance (float): If approximation is used, this set the error tolerance level required to define a sample as converged. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Inverted probability values where ``out.shape == q_data.shape``. """ if len(self) > 1: raise ValueError("only one-dimensional distribution supports percentiles.") return self.inv( q_data, max_iterations=max_iterations, tollerance=tollerance, )
[docs] def pdf(self, x_data, decompose=False, allow_approx=True, step_size=1e-7): """ Probability density function. If possible the density will be calculated analytically. If not possible, it will be approximated by approximating the one-dimensional derivative of the forward Rosenblatt transformation and multiplying the component parts. Note that even if the distribution is multivariate, each component of the Rosenblatt is one-dimensional. Args: x_data (numpy.ndarray): Location for the density function. If multivariate, `len(x_data) == len(self)` is required. decompose (bool): Decompose multivariate probability density `p(x), p(y|x), ...` instead of multiplying them together into `p(x, y, ...)`. allow_approx (bool): Allow the density to be estimated using numerical derivative of forward mapping if analytical approach fails. Raises error instead if false. step_size (float): The relative step size between two points used to calculate the derivative, assuming approximation is being used. Raises: chaospy.UnsupportedFeature: If analytical calculation is not possible and `allow_approx` is false. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Evaluated density function evaluated in `x_data`. If decompose, `output.shape == x_data.shape`, else if multivariate the first dimension is multiplied together. Example: >>> chaospy.Gamma(2).pdf([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).round(3) array([0.368, 0.271, 0.149, 0.073, 0.034]) >>> dist = chaospy.Iid(chaospy.Normal(0, 1), 2) >>> grid = numpy.mgrid[-1.5:2, -1.5:2] >>> dist.pdf(grid).round(3) array([[0.017, 0.046, 0.046, 0.017], [0.046, 0.124, 0.124, 0.046], [0.046, 0.124, 0.124, 0.046], [0.017, 0.046, 0.046, 0.017]]) >>> dist.pdf(grid, decompose=True).round(3) array([[[0.13 , 0.13 , 0.13 , 0.13 ], [0.352, 0.352, 0.352, 0.352], [0.352, 0.352, 0.352, 0.352], [0.13 , 0.13 , 0.13 , 0.13 ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.13 , 0.352, 0.352, 0.13 ], [0.13 , 0.352, 0.352, 0.13 ], [0.13 , 0.352, 0.352, 0.13 ], [0.13 , 0.352, 0.352, 0.13 ]]]) """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) check_dependencies(self) x_data = numpy.asfarray(x_data) shape = x_data.shape x_data = x_data.reshape(len(self), -1) f_data = numpy.zeros(x_data.shape) cache = {} for idx in self._rotation: try: cache_ = cache.copy() f_data[idx] = self._get_pdf(x_data[idx], idx, cache) except chaospy.UnsupportedFeature: if allow_approx: "%s: has stochastic dependencies; " "Approximating density with numerical derivative.", str(self), ) cache = cache_ f_data[idx] = chaospy.approximate_density( self, idx, x_data[idx], cache=cache, step_size=step_size ) else: raise f_data = f_data.reshape(shape) if len(self) > 1 and not decompose: f_data =, 0) return f_data
def _get_pdf(self, x_data, idx, cache): """In-process function for getting pdf-values.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) assert x_data.ndim == 1 if (idx, self) in cache: return cache[idx, self][1] lower = numpy.broadcast_to( self._get_lower(idx, cache=cache.copy()), x_data.shape ) upper = numpy.broadcast_to( self._get_upper(idx, cache=cache.copy()), x_data.shape ) parameters = self.get_parameters(idx, cache, assert_numerical=True) ret_val = self._pdf(x_data, **parameters) assert not isinstance(ret_val, Distribution), (self, ret_val) out = numpy.zeros(x_data.shape) out[:] = ret_val indices = (x_data < lower) | (x_data > upper) if numpy.any(indices): logger.debug( "%s.fwd: %d/%d inputs out of bounds", self, numpy.sum(indices), len(indices), ) logger.debug("%s[%s]: %s - %s - %s", self, idx, lower, x_data, upper) out = numpy.where(indices, 0, ret_val) if self in cache: out = numpy.where(x_data == cache[self][0], out, 0) cache[idx, self] = (x_data, out) assert out.ndim == 1, (self, out, cache) return out def _pdf(self, xloc, **kwargs): raise chaospy.UnsupportedFeature("%s: does not support analytical pdf." % self)
[docs] def sample( self, size=(), rule="random", antithetic=None, include_axis_dim=False, seed=None ): """ Create pseudo-random generated samples. By default, the samples are created using standard (pseudo-)random samples. However, if needed, the samples can also be created by either low-discrepancy sequences, and/or variance reduction techniques. Changing the sampling scheme, use the following ``rule`` flag: ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- key description ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- ``additive_recursion`` Modulus of golden ratio samples. ``chebyshev`` Roots of first order Chebyshev polynomials. ``grid`` Regular spaced grid. ``halton`` Halton low-discrepancy sequence. ``hammersley`` Hammersley low-discrepancy sequence. ``korobov`` Korobov lattice. ``latin_hypercube`` Latin hypercube samples. ``nested_chebyshev`` Chebyshev nodes adjusted to ensure nested. ``nested_grid`` Nested regular spaced grid. ``random`` Classical (Pseudo-)Random samples. ``sobol`` Sobol low-discrepancy sequence. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- All samples are created on the ``[0, 1]``-hypercube, which then is mapped into the domain of the distribution using the inverse Rosenblatt transformation. Args: size (numpy.ndarray): The size of the samples to generate. rule (str): Indicator defining the sampling scheme. antithetic (bool, numpy.ndarray): If provided, will be used to setup antithetic variables. If array, defines the axes to mirror. include_axis_dim (bool): By default an extra dimension even if the number of dimensions is 1. seed (Optional[int]): If provided, fixes the random variable's seed, ensuring reproducible results. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Random samples with ``self.shape``. An extra dimension might be added to the front if either ``len(dist) > 1`` or ``include_axis_dim=True``. """ if seed is not None: state = numpy.random.get_state() numpy.random.seed(seed) out = self.sample( size, rule=rule, antithetic=antithetic, include_axis_dim=include_axis_dim, ) numpy.random.set_state(state) return out check_dependencies(self) size_ =, dtype=int) dim = len(self) shape = (size,) if isinstance(size, (int, float, numpy.number)) else tuple(size) shape = (-1,) + shape[1:] shape = shape if dim == 1 and not include_axis_dim else (dim,) + shape from chaospy.distributions import sampler out = sampler.generator.generate_samples( order=size_, domain=self, rule=rule, antithetic=antithetic ) for idx, dist in enumerate(self): if dist.interpret_as_integer: out[idx] = numpy.round(out[idx]) if self.interpret_as_integer: out = numpy.round(out).astype(int) out = out.reshape(shape) return out
[docs] def mom(self, K, allow_approx=True, **kwargs): """ Raw statistical moments. Creates non-centralized raw moments from the random variable. If analytical options can not be utilized, Monte Carlo integration will be used. Args: K (numpy.ndarray): Index of the raw moments. k.shape must be compatible with distribution shape. Sampling scheme when performing Monte Carlo allow_approx (bool): Allow the moments to be calculated using quadrature integration if analytical approach fails. Raises error instead if false. kwargs (Any): Arguments passed to :func:`chaospy.approximate_moment` if approximation is used. Raises: chaospy.UnsupportedFeature: If analytical calculation is not possible and `allow_approx` is false. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Shapes are related through the identity ``k.shape == dist.shape+k.shape``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) K = numpy.asarray(K, dtype=int) assert numpy.all(K >= 0) shape = K.shape dim = len(self) if dim > 1: assert len(self) == shape[0] shape = shape[1:] size = int(K.size / dim) K = K.reshape(dim, size) try: out = [self._get_mom(kdata) for kdata in K.T] logger.debug("%s: moment calculated successfully", str(self)) except chaospy.UnsupportedFeature: if allow_approx: "%s: has stochastic dependencies; " "Approximating moments with quadrature.", str(self), ) out = [chaospy.approximate_moment(self, kdata) for kdata in K.T] else: out = [self._get_mom(kdata) for kdata in K.T] out = numpy.array(out) assert out.size ==, (out, shape) return out.reshape(shape)
def _get_mom(self, kdata): """In-process function for getting moments.""" if tuple(kdata) in self._mom_cache: return self._mom_cache[tuple(kdata)] if hasattr(self, "get_mom_parameters"): parameters = self.get_mom_parameters() else: parameters = self.get_parameters(idx=None, cache={}, assert_numerical=False) assert "idx" not in parameters, (self, parameters) ret_val = float(self._mom(kdata, **parameters)) assert not isinstance(ret_val, Distribution), (self, ret_val) self._mom_cache[tuple(kdata)] = ret_val return ret_val def _mom(self, kloc, **kwargs): raise chaospy.UnsupportedFeature("moments not supported for this distribution")
[docs] def ttr(self, kloc): """ Three terms relation's coefficient generator. Args: k (numpy.ndarray, int): The order of the coefficients. Returns: (Recurrence coefficients): Where out[0] is the first (A) and out[1] is the second coefficient With ``out.shape==(2,)+k.shape``. """ check_dependencies(self) kloc = numpy.asarray(kloc, dtype=int) shape = kloc.shape kloc = kloc.reshape(len(self), -1) out = numpy.zeros((2,) + kloc.shape) for idy, kloc_ in enumerate(kloc.T): for idx in range(len(self)): out[:, idx, idy] = self._get_ttr(kloc_[idx], idx) return out.reshape((2,) + shape)
def _get_ttr(self, kdata, idx): """In-process function for getting TTR-values.""" if (idx, kdata) in self._ttr_cache: return self._ttr_cache[idx, kdata] if hasattr(self, "get_ttr_parameters"): parameters = self.get_ttr_parameters(idx) else: parameters = self.get_parameters(idx, cache={}, assert_numerical=True) alpha, beta = self._ttr(kdata, **parameters) assert not isinstance(alpha, Distribution), (self, alpha) assert not isinstance(beta, Distribution), (self, beta) alpha = numpy.asfarray(alpha).item() beta = numpy.asfarray(beta).item() self._ttr_cache[idx, kdata] = (alpha, beta) return alpha, beta def _ttr(self, kloc, **kwargs): raise chaospy.UnsupportedFeature( "three terms recursion not supported for this distribution" ) def _get_cache(self, idx, cache, get=None): """ In-process function for getting cached values. Each time a distribution has been processed, the input and output values are stored in the cache. This checks if a distribution has been processed before and return a cache value if it is. The cached values are as follows: ----------- ------------- ------------- Context Get 0 Get 1 ----------- ------------- ------------- pdf Input values Output values cdf/fwd Input values Output values ppf/inv Output values Input values lower/upper Output values N/A ----------- ------------- ------------- Args: idx (int): Which dimension to get cache from. cache (Dict[Distribution, Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]]): Collection of cached values. Keys are distributions that has been processed earlier, values consist of up to two cache value. get (int): Which cache to retrieve. Returns: (numpy.ndarray, Distribution): The content of the cache, if any. Else return self. """ if (idx, self) in cache: assert get in (0, 1) out = cache[idx, self][get] else: out = self._cache(idx=idx, cache=cache, get=get) return out def _cache(self, idx, cache, get): """Backend function of retrieving cache values.""" return self def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, numpy.number): assert index.dtype == int index = int(index) if isinstance(index, int): if not -len(self) < index < len(self): raise IndexError("index out of bounds: %s" % index) if index < 0: index += len(self) return chaospy.ItemDistribution(int(index), self) if isinstance(index, slice): start = 0 if index.start is None else index.start stop = len(self) if index.stop is None else index.stop step = 1 if index.step is None else index.step return chaospy.J(*[self[idx] for idx in range(start, stop, step)]) raise IndexError("unrecognized key: %s" % repr(index)) def __iter__(self): for idx in range(len(self)): yield self[idx] def __len__(self): """Distribution length.""" return len(self._dependencies) def __repr__(self): """Distribution repr function.""" args = ", ".join([str(arg) for arg in self._repr_args]) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, args) def __str__(self): """Distribution str function.""" return repr(self) def __add__(self, X): """Y.__add__(X) <==> X+Y""" return chaospy.Add(self, X) def __radd__(self, X): """Y.__radd__(X) <==> Y+X""" return chaospy.Add(self, X) def __sub__(self, X): """Y.__sub__(X) <==> X-Y""" return chaospy.Add(self, -X) def __rsub__(self, X): """Y.__rsub__(X) <==> Y-X""" return chaospy.Add(X, -self) def __neg__(self): """X.__neg__() <==> -X""" return chaospy.Negative(self) def __mul__(self, X): """Y.__mul__(X) <==> X*Y""" return chaospy.Multiply(self, X) def __rmul__(self, X): """Y.__rmul__(X) <==> Y*X""" return chaospy.Multiply(X, self) def __div__(self, X): """Y.__div__(X) <==> Y/X""" return chaospy.Multiply(self, X**-1) def __rdiv__(self, X): """Y.__rdiv__(X) <==> X/Y""" return chaospy.Multiply(X, self**-1) def __floordiv__(self, X): """Y.__floordiv__(X) <==> Y/X""" return chaospy.Multiply(self, X**-1) def __rfloordiv__(self, X): """Y.__rfloordiv__(X) <==> X/Y""" return chaospy.Multiply(X, self**-1) def __truediv__(self, X): """Y.__truediv__(X) <==> Y/X""" return chaospy.Multiply(self, X**-1) def __rtruediv__(self, X): """Y.__rtruediv__(X) <==> X/Y""" return chaospy.Multiply(X, self**-1) def __pow__(self, X): """Y.__pow__(X) <==> Y**X""" return chaospy.Power(self, X) def __rpow__(self, X): """Y.__rpow__(X) <==> X**Y""" return chaospy.Power(X, self) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Distribution): return False if len(other) != len(self): return False if len(self) > 1: return all([self == other for self, other in zip(self, other)]) if isinstance(self, chaospy.ItemDistribution) and isinstance( other, chaospy.ItemDistribution ): return ( self._parameters["index"] == other._parameters["index"] and self._parameters["parent"] is other._parameters["parent"] ) return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self)