Source code for chaospy.distributions.collection.power_normal

"""Power normal or Box-Cox distribution."""
import numpy
from scipy import special
import chaospy

from ..baseclass import SimpleDistribution, ShiftScaleDistribution

class power_normal(SimpleDistribution):
    """Power normal or Box-Cox distribution."""

    def __init__(self, c):
        super(power_normal, self).__init__(dict(c=c))

    def _pdf(self, x, c):
        norm = (2 * numpy.pi) ** -0.5 * numpy.exp(-(x**2) / 2.0)
        return c * norm * special.ndtr(-x) ** (c - 1.0)

    def _cdf(self, x, c):
        return 1.0 - special.ndtr(-x) ** c

    def _ppf(self, q, c):
        return -special.ndtri(pow(1 - q, 1.0 / c))

    def _lower(self, c):
        return -special.ndtri(pow(1 - 1e-15, 1.0 / c))

    def _upper(self, c):
        return -special.ndtri(pow(1e-15, 1.0 / c))

[docs]class PowerNormal(ShiftScaleDistribution): """ Power normal or Box-Cox distribution. Args: shape (float, Distribution): Shape parameter mu (float, Distribution): Mean of the normal distribution scale (float, Distribution): Standard deviation of the normal distribution Examples: >>> distribution = chaospy.PowerNormal(1) >>> distribution PowerNormal(1) >>> uloc = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 6) >>> uloc array([0. , 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. ]) >>> xloc = distribution.inv(uloc) >>> xloc.round(3) array([-7.941, -0.842, -0.253, 0.253, 0.842, 7.941]) >>> numpy.allclose(distribution.fwd(xloc), uloc) True >>> distribution.pdf(xloc).round(3) array([0. , 0.28 , 0.386, 0.386, 0.28 , 0. ]) >>> distribution.sample(4).round(3) array([ 0.395, -1.2 , 1.648, -0.045]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape=1, mu=0, sigma=1): super(PowerNormal, self).__init__( dist=power_normal(shape), scale=sigma, shift=mu, ) self._repr_args = [shape] self._repr_args += chaospy.format_repr_kwargs(mu=(mu, 0)) self._repr_args += chaospy.format_repr_kwargs(sigma=(sigma, 1))