Source code for chaospy.distributions.kernel.gaussian

"""Gaussian kernel density estimation."""
import numpy
from scipy import special

from .baseclass import KernelDensityBaseclass
from ..collection.mv_normal import MvNormal

[docs]class GaussianKDE(KernelDensityBaseclass): """ Gaussian kernel density estimator. Density estimator that handles both univariate and multivariate data. It provides automatic bandwidth selection method using Scott's and Silverman's method. Attributes: samples: The raw data as provided by the user reshaped to have `ndim == 2`. h_mat: The covariance matrix to each sample. Assuming uncorrelated dimensions, the bandwidth is the square root of the diagonals. It will have either dimensions `(1, n_dim, n_dim)` if all samples shares covariance, or `(n_samples, n_dim, n_dim)` if not. weights: How much each sample is weighted. Either a scalar when the samples are equally weighted, or with length `n_samples` otherwise. Examples: >>> samples = [[-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2]] >>> distribution = chaospy.GaussianKDE(samples, estimator_rule="silverman") >>> distribution.h_mat # H-matrix or bandwidth**2 array([[[0.38614462, 0. ], [0. , 0.38614462]]]) >>> uloc = [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]] >>> distribution.pdf(uloc).round(4) array([0.0469, 0.0982, 0.0074, 0.0469]) >>> distribution.fwd(uloc).round(4) array([[0.5 , 0.5 , 0.8152, 0.8152], [0.1233, 0.5 , 0.0142, 0.1532]]) >>> distribution.inv(uloc).round(4) array([[-6.577 , -6.577 , 5.3948, 5.3948], [-4.3871, 4.6411, -5.9611, 7.7779]]) >>>[(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1)]).round(4) array([1. , 0. , 0.6667]) """ @property def samples(self): return self._samples @property def h_mat(self): return self._covariance @staticmethod def _kernel(z_loc): """The underlying density kernel.""" return numpy.e ** (-(z_loc**2) / 2.0) / numpy.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi), axis=-1 ) @staticmethod def _ikernel(z_loc): """The integrand of the underlying density kernel.""" return special.ndtr(z_loc) def _mom(self, k_loc, cache): """Raw statistical moments.""" length = self.samples.shape[-1] h_mat = numpy.broadcast_to(self.h_mat, (length,) + self.h_mat.shape[1:]) out = numpy.array( [ MvNormal._mom( self, k_loc, mean=self.samples[:, idx], sigma=h_mat[idx], cache={}, ) for idx in range(length) ] ) return numpy.sum(out * self.weights) def _lower(self, idx, dim, cache): """Lower bounds.""" del dim del cache return (self.samples[idx] - 10 * numpy.sqrt(self.h_mat[:, idx, idx]).T).min(-1) def _upper(self, idx, dim, cache): """Upper bounds.""" del dim del cache return (self.samples[idx] + 10 * numpy.sqrt(self.h_mat[:, idx, idx]).T).max(-1)