Source code for chaospy.distributions.operators.multiply

Multiplication of distributions.

Example usage

Distribution multiplied with a constant::

    >>> distribution = chaospy.Uniform(0, 1)*4
    >>> distribution
    Multiply(Uniform(), 4)
    >>> distribution.sample(5).round(4)
    array([2.6144, 0.46  , 3.8011, 1.9288, 3.4899])
    >>> distribution.fwd([1, 2, 3]).round(4)
    array([0.25, 0.5 , 0.75])
    >>> distribution.inv(distribution.fwd([1, 2, 3])).round(4)
    array([1., 2., 3.])
    >>> distribution.pdf([1, 2, 3]).round(4)
    array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
    >>>[1, 2, 3]).round(4)
    array([ 2.    ,  5.3333, 16.    ])
    >>> distribution.ttr([1, 2, 3]).round(4)
    array([[2.    , 2.    , 2.    ],
           [1.3333, 1.0667, 1.0286]])

Construct joint multiplication distribution::

    >>> lhs = chaospy.Uniform(-1, 0)
    >>> rhs = chaospy.Uniform(-3, -2)
    >>> multiplication = lhs * rhs
    >>> multiplication
    Multiply(Uniform(lower=-1, upper=0), Uniform(lower=-3, upper=-2))
    >>> joint1 = chaospy.J(lhs, multiplication)
    >>> joint1.lower
    array([-1., -0.])
    >>> joint1.upper
    array([0., 3.])
    >>> joint2 = chaospy.J(rhs, multiplication)
    >>> joint2.lower
    array([-3., -0.])
    >>> joint2.upper
    array([-2.,  3.])
    >>> joint3 = chaospy.J(multiplication, lhs)
    >>> joint3.lower
    array([-0., -1.])
    >>> joint3.upper
    array([3., 0.])
    >>> joint4 = chaospy.J(multiplication, rhs)
    >>> joint4.lower
    array([-0., -3.])
    >>> joint4.upper
    array([ 3., -2.])

Generate random samples::

    >>> joint1.sample(4).round(4)
    array([[-0.7877, -0.9593, -0.6028, -0.7669],
           [ 2.2383,  2.1172,  1.6532,  1.8345]])
    >>> joint2.sample(4).round(4)
    array([[-2.8177, -2.2565, -2.9304, -2.1147],
           [ 2.6843,  2.1011,  1.2174,  0.0613]])

Forward transformations::

    >>> lcorr = numpy.array([-0.9, -0.5, -0.1])
    >>> rcorr = numpy.array([-2.99, -2.5, -2.01])
    >>> joint1.fwd([lcorr, lcorr*rcorr]).round(4)
    array([[0.1 , 0.5 , 0.9 ],
           [0.99, 0.5 , 0.01]])
    >>> joint2.fwd([rcorr, lcorr*rcorr]).round(4)
    array([[0.01, 0.5 , 0.99],
           [0.9 , 0.5 , 0.1 ]])

Inverse transformations::

    >>> joint1.inv(joint1.fwd([lcorr, lcorr*rcorr])).round(4)
    array([[-0.9  , -0.5  , -0.1  ],
           [ 2.691,  1.25 ,  0.201]])
    >>> joint2.inv(joint2.fwd([rcorr, lcorr*rcorr])).round(4)
    array([[-2.99 , -2.5  , -2.01 ],
           [ 2.691,  1.25 ,  0.201]])
import numpy
import chaospy

from ..baseclass import Distribution, OperatorDistribution

[docs]class Multiply(OperatorDistribution): """Multiplication.""" _operator = lambda self, left, right: (left.T * right.T).T
[docs] def __init__(self, left, right): """ Args: left (Distribution, numpy.ndarray): Left hand side. right (Distribution, numpy.ndarray): Right hand side. """ self._cache_upper = {} self._cache_lower = {} super(Multiply, self).__init__( left=left, right=right, repr_args=[left, right], )
def _lower(self, idx, left, right, cache): """ Distribution lower bounds. Example: >>> chaospy.Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(-1, 2), -2).lower array([-4.]) >>> chaospy.Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(-1, 1), chaospy.Uniform(1, 2)).lower array([-2.]) """ left = self._parameters["left"] right = self._parameters["right"] if isinstance(left, Distribution): left_upper = left._get_upper(idx, cache=self._upper_cache) left_lower = left._get_lower(idx, cache=self._lower_cache) if isinstance(right, Distribution): right_upper = right._get_upper(idx, cache=self._upper_cache) right_lower = right._get_lower(idx, cache=self._lower_cache) out = numpy.min( numpy.broadcast_arrays( left_lower * right_lower, left_lower * right_upper, left_upper * right_lower, left_upper * right_upper, ), axis=0, ).T else: out = numpy.min( [left_lower * right[idx], left_upper * right[idx]], axis=0 ).T else: assert isinstance(right, Distribution) right_upper = right._get_upper(idx, cache=self._upper_cache) right_lower = right._get_lower(idx, cache=self._lower_cache) out = numpy.min( [left[idx] * right_lower, left[idx] * right_upper], axis=0 ).T return out def _upper(self, idx, left, right, cache): """ Distribution upper bounds. Example: >>> chaospy.Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(-1, 2), -2).upper array([2.]) >>> chaospy.Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(-1, 1), chaospy.Uniform(1, 2)).upper array([2.]) """ # small hack to deal with sign-flipping boundaries. left = self._parameters["left"] right = self._parameters["right"] if isinstance(left, Distribution): left_lower = left._get_lower(idx, cache=self._lower_cache) left_upper = left._get_upper(idx, cache=self._upper_cache) if isinstance(right, Distribution): right_lower = right._get_lower(idx, cache=self._lower_cache) right_upper = right._get_upper(idx, cache=self._upper_cache) out = numpy.max( numpy.broadcast_arrays( left_lower * right_lower, left_lower * right_upper, left_upper * right_lower, left_upper * right_upper, ), axis=0, ) else: out = numpy.max( [left_lower * right[idx], left_upper * right[idx]], axis=0 ) else: assert isinstance(right, Distribution) right_lower = right._get_lower(idx, cache=self._lower_cache) right_upper = right._get_upper(idx, cache=self._upper_cache) out = numpy.max([left[idx] * right_lower, left[idx] * right_upper], axis=0) return out def _cdf(self, xloc, idx, left, right, cache): if isinstance(left, Distribution): left, right = right, left left = numpy.broadcast_arrays(left.T, xloc.T)[0].T valids = left != 0 xloc_ = xloc.copy() xloc_.T[valids.T] = xloc.T[valids.T] / left.T[valids.T] uloc = right._get_fwd(xloc_, idx, cache=cache) return numpy.where(left.T >= 0, uloc.T, 1 - uloc.T).T def _ppf(self, uloc, idx, left, right, cache): """ Point percentile function. Example: >>> chaospy.Uniform().inv([0.1, 0.2, 0.9]) array([0.1, 0.2, 0.9]) >>> Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(), 2).inv([0.1, 0.2, 0.9]) array([0.2, 0.4, 1.8]) >>> Multiply(2, chaospy.Uniform()).inv([0.1, 0.2, 0.9]) array([0.2, 0.4, 1.8]) >>> dist = chaospy.Multiply( ... [2, 1], chaospy.Iid(chaospy.Uniform(), 2)) >>> dist.inv([[0.5, 0.6, 0.7], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]]) array([[1. , 1.2, 1.4], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]]) >>> dist = chaospy.Multiply(chaospy.Iid(chaospy.Uniform(), 2), [1, 2]) >>> dist.inv([[0.5, 0.6, 0.7], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]]) array([[0.5, 0.6, 0.7], [1. , 1.2, 1.4]]) """ if isinstance(right, Distribution): left, right = right, left uloc = numpy.where(numpy.asfarray(right).T > 0, uloc.T, 1 - uloc.T).T xloc = left._get_inv(uloc, idx, cache=cache) xloc = (xloc.T * right.T).T return xloc def _pdf(self, xloc, idx, left, right, cache): """ Probability density function. Example: >>> chaospy.Uniform().pdf([-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5]) array([0., 1., 0., 0.]) >>> Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(), 2).pdf([-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5]) array([0. , 0.5, 0.5, 0. ]) >>> Multiply(2, chaospy.Uniform()).pdf([-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5]) array([0. , 0.5, 0.5, 0. ]) >>> dist = chaospy.Multiply([2, 1], chaospy.Iid(chaospy.Uniform(), 2)) >>> dist.pdf([[0.5, 0.6, 1.5], [0.5, 0.6, 1.5]]) array([0.5, 0.5, 0. ]) >>> dist = chaospy.Multiply(chaospy.Iid(chaospy.Uniform(), 2), [1, 2]) >>> dist.pdf([[0.5, 0.6, 1.5], [0.5, 0.6, 1.5]]) array([0.5, 0.5, 0. ]) """ if isinstance(right, Distribution): left, right = right, left right = (numpy.asfarray(right).T + numpy.zeros(xloc.shape).T).T valids = right != 0 xloc = xloc.copy() xloc.T[valids.T] = xloc.T[valids.T] / right.T[valids.T] pdf = left._get_pdf(xloc, idx, cache=cache) pdf.T[valids.T] /= right.T[valids.T] return numpy.abs(pdf) def _mom(self, key, left, right, cache): """ Statistical moments. Example: >>> chaospy.Uniform().mom([0, 1, 2, 3]).round(4) array([1. , 0.5 , 0.3333, 0.25 ]) >>> Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(), 2).mom([0, 1, 2, 3]).round(4) array([1. , 1. , 1.3333, 2. ]) >>> Multiply(2, chaospy.Uniform()).mom([0, 1, 2, 3]).round(4) array([1. , 1. , 1.3333, 2. ]) >>> Multiply(chaospy.Uniform(), chaospy.Uniform()).mom([0, 1, 2, 3]).round(4) array([1. , 0.25 , 0.1111, 0.0625]) """ del cache if isinstance(left, Distribution): if chaospy.shares_dependencies(left, right): raise chaospy.StochasticallyDependentError( "product of dependent distributions not feasible: " "{} and {}".format(left, right) ) left = left._get_mom(key) else: left = (numpy.array(left).T ** key).T if isinstance(right, Distribution): right = right._get_mom(key) else: right = (numpy.array(right).T ** key).T return * def _ttr(self, kloc, idx, left, right, cache): """Three terms recurrence coefficients.""" del cache if isinstance(right, Distribution): if isinstance(left, Distribution): raise chaospy.StochasticallyDependentError( "product of distributions not feasible: " "{} and {}".format(left, right) ) left, right = right, left coeff0, coeff1 = left._get_ttr(kloc, idx) return coeff0 * right, coeff1 * right * right