Source code for chaospy.distributions.sampler.generator

"""Sample generator."""
import logging
import numpy
from . import sequences, latin_hypercube

    "a": "additive_recursion",
    "additive_recursion": "additive_recursion",
    "c": "chebyshev",
    "chebyshev": "chebyshev",
    "nc": "nested_chebyshev",
    "nested_chebyshev": "nested_chebyshev",
    "k": "korobov",
    "korobov": "korobov",
    "g": "grid",
    "grid": "grid",
    "ng": "nested_grid",
    "nested_grid": "nested_grid",
    "s": "sobol",
    "sobol": "sobol",
    "h": "halton",
    "halton": "halton",
    "m": "hammersley",
    "hammersley": "hammersley",
    "l": "latin_hypercube",
    "latin_hypercube": "latin_hypercube",
    "r": "random",
    "random": "random",
    "additive_recursion": sequences.create_additive_recursion_samples,
    "chebyshev": sequences.create_chebyshev_samples,
    "nested_chebyshev": sequences.create_nested_chebyshev_samples,
    "korobov": sequences.create_korobov_samples,
    "grid": sequences.create_grid_samples,
    "nested_grid": sequences.create_nested_grid_samples,
    "sobol": sequences.create_sobol_samples,
    "halton": sequences.create_halton_samples,
    "hammersley": sequences.create_hammersley_samples,
    "latin_hypercube": latin_hypercube.create_latin_hypercube_samples,
    "random": lambda order, dim: numpy.random.random((dim, order)),

[docs]def generate_samples(order, domain=1, rule="random", antithetic=None): """ Sample generator. Args: order (int): Sample order. Determines the number of samples to create. domain (Distribution, int, numpy.ndarray): Defines the space where the samples are generated. If integer is provided, the space ``[0, 1]^domain`` will be used. If array-like object is provided, a hypercube it defines will be used. If distribution, the domain it spans will be used. rule (str): rule for generating samples. antithetic (tuple): Sequence of boolean values. Represents the axes to mirror using antithetic variable. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if isinstance(domain, int): dim = domain trans = lambda x_data: x_data elif isinstance(domain, (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)): domain = numpy.asfarray(domain) if len(domain.shape) < 2: dim = 1 else: dim = len(domain[0]) trans = lambda x_data: ((domain[1] - domain[0]) * x_data.T + domain[0]).T else: dist = domain dim = len(dist) trans = dist.inv if antithetic is not None: from .antithetic import create_antithetic_variates antithetic = numpy.array(antithetic, dtype=bool).flatten() if antithetic.size == 1 and dim > 1: antithetic = numpy.repeat(antithetic, dim) size = numpy.sum(1 * numpy.array(antithetic)) order_saved = order order = int(numpy.log(order - dim)) order = order if order > 1 else 1 while (order - 1) * 2**dim < order_saved: order += 1 trans_ = trans trans = lambda x_data: trans_( create_antithetic_variates(x_data, antithetic)[:, :order_saved] ) rule = SAMPLER_NAMES[rule.lower()] logger.debug("generating random samples using %s rule", rule) sampler = SAMPLER_FUNCTIONS[rule] x_data = trans(sampler(order=order, dim=dim)) logger.debug("order: %d, dim: %d -> shape: %s", order, dim, x_data.shape) return x_data