Source code for chaospy.quadrature.lobatto

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generate the abscissas and weights in Gauss-Loboto quadrature.

Example usage

With increasing order::

    >>> distribution = chaospy.Beta(2, 2, lower=-1, upper=1)
    >>> for order in range(4):  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ...     X, W = chaospy.generate_quadrature(
    ...         order, distribution, rule="lobatto")
    ...     print(X.round(2), W.round(2))
    [[-1.]] [1.]
    [[-1.  1.]] [0.5 0.5]
    [[-1.   -0.38  0.38  1.  ]] [0.03 0.47 0.47 0.03]
    [[-1.   -0.69 -0.25  0.25  0.69  1.  ]]
     [0.01 0.15 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.01]

Multivariate samples::

    >>> distribution = chaospy.J(chaospy.Uniform(0, 1), chaospy.Beta(4, 5))
    >>> X, W = chaospy.generate_quadrature(
    ...     2, distribution, rule="lobatto")
    >>> X.round(3)
    array([[-0.   , -0.   , -0.   , -0.   ,  0.276,  0.276,  0.276,  0.276,
             0.724,  0.724,  0.724,  0.724,  1.   ,  1.   ,  1.   ,  1.   ],
           [ 0.   ,  0.318,  0.605,  1.   ,  0.   ,  0.318,  0.605,  1.   ,
             0.   ,  0.318,  0.605,  1.   ,  0.   ,  0.318,  0.605,  1.   ]])
    >>> W.round(3)
    array([0.001, 0.045, 0.037, 0.   , 0.006, 0.224, 0.184, 0.002, 0.006,
           0.224, 0.184, 0.002, 0.001, 0.045, 0.037, 0.   ])
import numpy
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded, solve
import chaospy

from .utils import combine_quadrature

[docs]def lobatto( order, dist, recurrence_algorithm="stieltjes", rule="fejer_2", tolerance=1e-10, scaling=3, n_max=5000, ): """ Generate the abscissas and weights in Gauss-Loboto quadrature. Also known as Lobatto quadrature, named after Dutch mathematician Rehuel Lobatto. It is similar to Gaussian quadrature with the following differences: * The integration points include the end points of the integration interval. * It is accurate for polynomials up to degree :math:`2n–3`, where :math:`n` is the number of integration points. Args: order (int): Quadrature order. dist (chaospy.distributions.baseclass.Distribution): The distribution weights to be used to create higher order nodes from. recurrence_algorithm (str): Name of the algorithm used to generate abscissas and weights. rule (str): In the case of ``lanczos`` or ``stieltjes``, defines the proxy-integration scheme. tolerance (float): The allowed relative error in norm between two quadrature orders before method assumes convergence. scaling (float): A multiplier the adaptive order increases with for each step quadrature order is not converged. Use 0 to indicate unit increments. n_max (int): The allowed number of quadrature points to use in approximation. Returns: (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray): abscissas: The quadrature points for where to evaluate the model function with ``abscissas.shape == (len(dist), N)`` where ``N`` is the number of samples. weights: The quadrature weights with ``weights.shape == (N,)``. Example: >>> distribution = chaospy.Uniform(-1, 1) >>> abscissas, weights = chaospy.quadrature.lobatto(4, distribution) >>> abscissas.round(3) array([[-1. , -0.872, -0.592, -0.209, 0.209, 0.592, 0.872, 1. ]]) >>> weights.round(3) array([0.018, 0.105, 0.171, 0.206, 0.206, 0.171, 0.105, 0.018]) """ assert not rule.startswith("gauss"), "recursive Gaussian quadrature call" if order == 0: return dist.lower.reshape(1, -1), numpy.array([1.0]) coefficients = chaospy.construct_recurrence_coefficients( order=2 * order - 1, dist=dist, recurrence_algorithm=recurrence_algorithm, rule=rule, tolerance=tolerance, scaling=scaling, n_max=n_max, ) coefficients = [ _lobatto(coeffs, (lo, up)) for coeffs, lo, up in zip(coefficients, dist.lower, dist.upper) ] abscissas, weights = chaospy.coefficients_to_quadrature(coefficients) return combine_quadrature(abscissas, weights)
def _lobatto(coefficients, preassigned): """ Compute the Lobatto nodes and weights with the preassigned value pair. Based on the section 7 of the paper Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems, Gene Golub, SIAM Review Vol 15, No. 2, April 1973, pp.318--334, and Args: coefficients (numpy.ndarray): Three terms recurrence coefficients. preassigned (Tuple[float, float]): Values that are assume to be fixed. """ alpha = numpy.array(coefficients[0]) beta = numpy.array(coefficients[1]) vec_en = numpy.zeros(len(alpha) - 1) vec_en[-1] = 1 mat_a1 = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha - preassigned[0])) mat_j1 = numpy.vstack((mat_a1[:, 0:-1], mat_a1[0, 1:])) mat_a2 = numpy.vstack((numpy.sqrt(beta), alpha - preassigned[1])) mat_j2 = numpy.vstack((mat_a2[:, 0:-1], mat_a2[0, 1:])) mat_g1 = solve_banded((1, 1), mat_j1, vec_en) mat_g2 = solve_banded((1, 1), mat_j2, vec_en) mat_c = numpy.array(((1, -mat_g1[-1]), (1, -mat_g2[-1]))) alpha[-1], beta[-1] = solve(mat_c, preassigned) return numpy.array([alpha, beta])