Source code for chaospy.regression

"""Fit a polynomial chaos expansion using linear regression."""
import numpy
import numpoly

[docs]def fit_regression( polynomials, abscissas, evals, model=None, retall=0, ): """ Fit a polynomial chaos expansion using linear regression. Args: polynomials (numpoly.ndpoly): Polynomial expansion with ``polynomials.shape == (M,)`` and `polynomials.dim=D`. abscissas (numpy.ndarray): Collocation nodes with ``abscissas.shape == (D, K)``. evals (numpy.ndarray): Model evaluations with ``len(evals) == K``. model (Optional[sklearn.base.BaseEstimator]): By default regression is done using the classical least-square method. However, if provided, and `sklearn` regression model can be used instead. retall (int): What the function should return. 0: only return fitted polynomials, with shape `evals.shape[1:]`. 1: polynomials, and Fourier coefficients, 2: polynomials, coefficients and polynomial evaluations. Returns: (chaospy.ndpoly, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray): Returned value as determined by `retval`. Examples: >>> x, y = chaospy.variable(2) >>> polynomials = chaospy.polynomial([1, x, y]) >>> abscissas = [[-1, -1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1]] >>> evals = [0, 1, 1, 2] >>> chaospy.fit_regression(polynomials, abscissas, evals).round(14) polynomial(0.5*q1+0.5*q0+1.0) >>> model = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) >>> chaospy.fit_regression( ... polynomials, abscissas, evals, model=model).round(14) polynomial(0.5*q1+0.5*q0+1.0) """ abscissas = numpy.atleast_2d(abscissas) assert abscissas.ndim == 2, "too many dimensions" polynomials = numpoly.aspolynomial(polynomials) evals = numpy.asarray(evals) assert abscissas.shape[-1] == len(evals) poly_evals = polynomials(*abscissas).T shape = evals.shape[1:] if shape: evals = evals.reshape(len(evals), -1) if model is None: uhat, _, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(poly_evals, evals, rcond=None) else: try: from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator except ImportError: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "arg model != None requires that scikit-learn is installed" ) assert isinstance(model, BaseEstimator), ( "model not recognized; " "Optional[sklearn.base.BaseEstimator] expected" ) if hasattr(model, "fit_intercept"): assert not model.fit_intercept, ( "requires %s(fit_intercept=False)" % model.__class__.__name__ ) uhat = numpy.transpose(, evals).coef_) approx_model = numpoly.sum((polynomials * uhat.T), -1).reshape(shape) choices = { 0: approx_model, 1: (approx_model, uhat), 2: (approx_model, uhat, poly_evals), } return choices[retall]