Polynomial division

Numerical division can be split into two variants: floor division (chaospy.floor_divide()) and true division (chaospy.true_divide()):

>>> dividend = 7
>>> divisor = 2
>>> quotient_true = numpy.true_divide(dividend, divisor)
>>> quotient_true
>>> quotient_floor = numpy.floor_divide(dividend, divisor)
>>> quotient_floor

The discrepancy between the two can be captured by a remainder (chaospy.remainder()), which allow us to more formally define them as follows:

>>> remainder = numpy.remainder(dividend, divisor)
>>> remainder
>>> dividend == quotient_floor*divisor+remainder
>>> dividend == quotient_true*divisor

In the case of polynomials, neither true nor floor division is supported like this. Instead, it supports its own kind of polynomial division chaospy.poly_divide(). Polynomial division falls back to behave like floor division for all constants, as it does not round values:

>>> q0, q1 = chaospy.variable(2)
>>> dividend = q0**2+q1
>>> divisor = q0-1
>>> quotient = chaospy.poly_divide(dividend, divisor)
>>> quotient

However, like floor division, it can still have remainders using chaospy.poly_remainder(). For example:

>>> remainder = chaospy.poly_remainder(dividend, divisor)
>>> remainder
>>> dividend == quotient*divisor+remainder

In numpy, the “Python syntactic sugar” operators have the following behavior:

In chaospy, which takes precedence if any of the values are of chaospy.ndpoly objects, take the following behavior: